9-12:th JulySillustrated by Katarina Karlsson
terry underwear: B & S Cryptic Challenge Answers and Winners
"PS. The recipe tree will be getting underway very soon."
anakin_sky@gmx.net: sunshine hit me
" how can you be expected to be fresh, dynamic, and productive when it's 35°C in the burning sun? hm. i think i'm melting away. i want to go swimming, hmm, that would be soooo nice..."
amy longcore: that lightning bolt was mine
" i already love our little recipe collectors' club, and we haven't even had our first sharings yet. i think i'm going to go get my ideas for submission together now, so when the magical sini wooden spoon looks my way, i'll be ready."
Sinister Galleries: [Body Parts] [Concerts] [Baby Photo Album] [People Photo Album] [Picnics, Pubs and Conferences] [Sillustrations] [Your Slip Is Showing] [Things We Made In School Today, Mummy]